Chief Justice Announces Commission Members

Mark Martin, Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, announced this week the members of his new Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice.

The commission will focus on five areas: civil justice, criminal investigation and adjudication, legal professionalism, public trust and confidence, and technology. The North Carolina Bar Association has a number of members serving on this important commission, including Catharine Biggs Arrowood, immediate past president, who will chair the Legal Professionalism Committee.

“As I knew he would, Chief Justice Martin has chosen reasoned and thoughtful leaders to fill out the commission,” said NCBA President Shelby Benton. “Each person named is a critical thinker and together they will bring many different perspectives to the commission. The NCBA looks forward to working with and supporting the work of this groundbreaking commission as it undertakes the task of making recommendations to strengthen our court system.”

Over the next 16 months the NCBA will be working closely with the commission to provide any assistance as it works through the different areas of inquiry. Please be on the lookout for additional email updates as well as requests for your input as this process moves forward.

Click here to read more about the commission.