Center For Practice Management, Security, Technology

How to Identify a Phishing Attempt and Thwart It (Video)

On May 18, 2022 the CPM Learning Objective online seminar was called How to Identify a Phishing Attempt and Thwart It.  Opening or clicking on one link in a phishing email sent to your firm can have disastrous effects. It is not just email either, they come from phone calls, texts, messaging services, and more. Learn how to identify the tell-tale signs of phishing, what you should do to minimize the threats, and how to make sure everyone in your firm keeps vigilance top of mind. In this session we looked at some examples of common exploits and tools to reduce the threats.

The recording is now available at: (expand to full screen, click the gear icon, and change the Quality to 1080pHD). Share this blog post and video with your team to help keep everyone in the firm up to speed on these threats to your firm’s security.

The slides can be found here.

For Further Reading/Viewing: