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Center For Practice Management, Management, Productivity

Technology Check-Up for the New Work World: Documenting Procedures and Managing Projects

Over the last several years there has been momentous change in the work world. During the pandemic, lawyers and their teams learned how to work from home using new tools and technologies. People reassessed their lives, and some retired or changed focus and followed their passions. Economic shifts resulted in reductions in force and layoffs. Many lawyers want to continue…

Center For Practice Management, Document Generation, Ethics, Question of the Month

Documenting File Destruction

Are you documenting your file destruction based on record retention requirements? Depending on the number of variables there are several methods to make sure that you have the necessary information to verify what has been destroyed and when. How Long Do I Have to Keep Client Files? As is the case with so many things having to do with the…

Center For Practice Management, Cloud Computing, Productivity

What’s New with Zoom?

Many lawyers used video conferencing platforms at the beginning of the pandemic. Even when life resumed a more regular course, you probably find yourself starting and participating in video conferences daily. Two platforms emerged as the predominant tools in the current marketplace – Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Both have their pros and cons, and both continue to evolve with user…

Center For Practice Management, Cloud Computing, Email Management, Productivity, Search

Dropbox Dash – AI Driven Federated Search

Lawyers keep a lot of information – documents, emails, legal research, project plans, communications, and more – and often that information is spread out among different siloed repositories. There are few ways to search across all those separate properties or query it all to get the answer you need without wading through files and emails. If you are a Dropbox…

Center For Practice Management, Management, Productivity, Technology

Leveraging Technology to Onboard New Hires

Many law firms are excited to embrace new hires and provide orientation and some onboarding. Then the new hire is left in the coming weeks or months to sink or swim. Handing a new hire, whether an associate, a lateral or support staff, an employee manual and making introductions cannot ensure a smooth transition. Set Up for Success Once your…

Center For Practice Management, Management, Marketing

Five Ways to Become More Client-Centric

Client-centric legal services focus on the client journey. Your primary objective is to make sure that your client has a great experience with your firm, win or lose. From start to finish, your firm’s processes are centered on the client. Here are five options to enhance your firm’s focus on the client and increase client satisfaction. 1. Ask the Client…

Artificial Intelligence, Center For Practice Management, Document Generation, Productivity, Research, Search

Using AI for Conversational Q&A and Knowledge Management

The technology that powers ChatGPT, Open AI using a large language model (LLM), can be turned to look at specific data repositories. Law firms can create tools that can be used internally or externally to query and chat with a firm’s own data. Several products are already on the market that let you turn an LLM generative AI towards your…

Center For Practice Management, Management, Productivity

Tips for Successful Management of Remote Employees

Whether you have a virtual office, have remote or hybrid employees on the team, contract with an outside attorney for overflow, or outsource administrative functions, the way you manage the remote team will differ from how you may manage on-site attorneys and support teams. What tools and tactics will help you confidently manage virtual employees without micromanaging them? Outsourced Services…

Artificial Intelligence, Center For Practice Management, Document Generation, Email Management, Microsoft Office

AI Tools in MS 365 in Advance of the CoPilot Launch

Generative artificial intelligence is all the buzz and Microsoft is rolling out an AI tool called “CoPilot” with the promise of helping you leverage the Microsoft 365 tools so that you can synthesize information, ask your own data questions, suggest ways to be more responsive, stay on top of your schedule and more. While we are waiting for these enhancements…

Center For Practice Management, Ethics, Marketing, Social Media

Facebook Page Options for Law Firms and Lawyers

Facebook, the popular social media platform, has many options for businesses as well as individuals. If you or your firm has a Facebook presence, there are some options to consider about how you can leverage this platform effectively and ethically. Is It the Right Place to Be? A law firm Facebook page can help promote the firm’s work and connect…