CLE Scholarship Program
The Elder & Special Needs Law (EL) Section Council annually considers and adopts as part of its budget an allowance for scholarships to be awarded to members of the Section.
The purpose of awarding the scholarships is to facilitate participation and attendance at valuable CLE programs and meetings for members of the Section who otherwise may not be able to attend such events due to financial or other constraints. Our Section is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion and actively providing opportunities for professional development and networking to all members of the Section. Click here for more information about the program: Course details.
What do the Scholarships cover?
The Section believes that one of the benefits of CLE programming, beyond the excellent content provided, is the opportunity to network with fellow attorneys. To that end, the scholarships will pay the cost of tuition for In-Person Live attendance, though consideration will be made for Live Webcast attendance on a case-by-case basis, based on demonstrated need.
Who is eligible for the Scholarship?
Applicants must be active members of the NCBA and the EL Section with a commitment to building or maintaining a practice focusing on elder and special needs law. Consideration will be given to an applicant’s length of practice and percentage of practice that involves elder and special needs law.
Non-Section member attorneys interested in CLE Scholarships are required to apply for membership in the EL Section before or concurrently with submission of an application for CLE Scholarships. Scholarships are not available for affiliate member CLE tuition.
How do I apply for the Scholarship?
Please complete the form below. Scholarship applications must be received by Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 5 p.m. If the application is not received by then it will not be considered. Incomplete applications received will not be reviewed.
We will notify you if your scholarship has been awarded; please block out your schedule for the event to which you are applying so that you are prepared to attend if selected.
What about confidentiality?
Although the Section may publicize the fact that scholarships have been awarded, and the number of scholarships so awarded, the individual identities of scholarship applicants shall remain strictly confidential, unless the recipient allows for publication.
If you have questions about the NCBA Elder & Special Needs Law Section Scholarship program, please e-mail the Communities Manager, Kyle Ballantine, at [email protected].
Application Form
This form is currently closed for submissions.
By submitting this application form, you are indicating that you have read and understand the parameters of the NCBA Elder and Special Needs Law Scholarship Program and that the information you have provided is true and accurate.