'Your Commitment Means So Much' — A Message from 2020-21 NCBA + NCBF President Mark Holt
Helping. Caring. Protecting.
Feature Stories

NCBA Member Spotlight: Tawanda Foster Artis Reflects on Her Career
“In this interview, Tawanda Foster Artis, NCBA Board of Governors member and co-chair of the NCBA Minorities in the Profession Committee, reflects on her career path and the mentors who influence her.”
“The thanks and appreciation from each and every client reminds me what a valuable service we’re providing. By providing basic estate planning documents, we’re able to give first responders and their families peace of mind.”
“For nine incredible months, Raleigh attorney and Smith Anderson partner Kirk Warner served in key roles that placed him in the midst of events that dominated the world news on a daily basis.”
“They sat anxiously in the courtroom of the Justice Building, springing to their feet as the clerk banged her gavel and proclaimed “oyez, oyez, oyez.” Their eyes widened as [Supreme Court of North Carolina Justices] emerged in their black robes and took their seats.”
May 2021 Columns
By Kristen Kirby
By Catherine Sanders Reach
By Laura Graham