President Jon Heyl's Installation Address
Lawyers Insurance

Clayton Morgan Elected NCBA President-Elect

2021 Legal Legends of Color Honorees: ‘The Impact of a Legend is Endless’
“As a member of this respected and admired organization for over three decades now, I am honored to be chosen as your president-elect, and alongside our incoming President, Jon Heyl, I will always strive to uphold the key tenets of the North Carolina Bar Association.”
“Their contributions, lives, careers, and stories have impacted not only the clients and communities they have served or still serve, but also the attorneys who have followed in their footsteps.”
“The award is a reminder that lawyers and judges can make an impact beyond just our legal work. We are a profession that excels at exploring ideas and that makes us uniquely suited to help people solve problems, even if they aren’t legal problems.”
“As a lawyer and citizen, I feel that it is important to provide pro bono legal service because we all have times when we need help. Ultimately, I went to law school to help people with difficult issues. Money should not be a barrier to receiving legal advice and support.”

Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony

North Carolina Pro Bono Honor Society Shines Bright Light On NCBA+NCBF
August 2021 Columns
By Will Quick
By Catherine Sanders Reach
By Laura Graham