Chief Justice Addressing NCBA Annual Meeting
When Chief Justice Mark Martin addresses the 2017 Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Bar Association, his State of the Judiciary address will offer a distinctively different message from that which he and his predecessors have provided at this event in years past.
Armed with the Final Report and Recommendations of the North Carolina Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice (NCCALJ), Chief Justice Martin will discuss his vision for moving forward with key components of the report.
The address will take place on Saturday, June 24, at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, beginning at approximately 11:15 a.m. Media members are urged to attend and interview availability will be provided following his remarks.
The NCCALJ presented its final report on March 15 during a ceremony at the Supreme Court of North Carolina. The chief justice convened the commission in September 2015 “to undertake a comprehensive review of North Carolina’s Judicial System and make recommendations for improving the administration of justice.”
The NCBA is honored that Chief Justice Martin has accepted the invitation to deliver his first public address since accepting the report.
“The Commission’s recommendations create a framework for dramatic, systemic improvement in the administration of justice in North Carolina,” Chief Justice Martin said upon accepting the report. “The work of this blue-ribbon commission will help ensure that North Carolina’s Judicial Branch meets the needs and expectations that the people of North Carolina have for fair, modern and impartial courts.”
Chief Justice Martin has served on the Supreme Court of North Carolina since 1999 and as chief justice since Sept. 1, 2014. He previously served on the Superior Court and N.C. Court of Appeals, and is a past chair of the ABA Judicial Division and a former NCBA vice president.
His appearance at this year’s NCBA Annual Meeting represents the third time Chief Justice Martin has addressed this event in his role as chief justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina.