Leading Off

North Carolina Lawyer magazine, the flagship publication of the North Carolina Bar Association, is shifting to a digital-only format in 2020-21.

The transition has been precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in many changes to the ways that we communicate and share information with each other.

In mid-March, the NCBA paused the publication and distribution of printed material as our organization adjusted quickly to meet the needs of our members and the profession in a pandemic environment. In-person CLE programs were converted to webcast and On-Demand formats, the Center for Practice Management immediately began producing needed resources for our members, and the NCBA website added a clearinghouse for COVID-19 information. The North Carolina Bar Foundation optimized its resources and technology to continue provide remote pro bono service and opportunities. Communities – NCBA Sections, Divisions and Committees – continued to meet and generate blog posts and news, including the presentation of numerous awards that are covered in this issue.

And the NCBA, under the leadership of President LeAnn Nease Brown, held its first digital Annual Meeting on Friday, June 26. President Mark Holt was installed as the 126th president of the NCBA and Jon Heyl was elected to serve as president-elect. The membership also elected new members to serve on the NCBA Board of Governors, joining new vice presidents who were elected in April. The NCBF Board of Directors also has new members, and new chairs are leading the Young Lawyers Division, the Senior Lawyers Division and the Paralegal Division.

All of the award winners historically honored at the Annual Meeting are also featured in this edition, along with COVID-19 perspectives from our members, in-depth coverage of the NCBA Leadership Academy Class of 2020, an extensive interview with the author of “The Irishman,” and columns which have long been a cornerstone of this magazine.

Welcome to North Carolina Lawyer magazine, the digital edition. We are looking forward to exploring the opportunities provided through the electronic format as we continue to produce a publication that is a source of pride for its readers, writers and editors.

Russell Rawlings is director of communications and external affairs for the North Carolina Bar Association.

This article is part of the August 2020 issue of North Carolina Lawyer. Access a curated view of NC Lawyer or view the table of contents.