DEI Committees | April 24, Vol. 1

Difference is not inherently bad; however, we must recognize it productively. If your organization or firm is starting a new DEI committee or working to maintain one, be sure that the conversations you are having are not harmful. Establish guidelines for navigating challenging conversations before you get started to avoid potentially damaging your efforts or harming a participant. One of my key questions when talking to groups about diversity & inclusion is “how do you respond when difference enters the room?”. Knowing your answer is a great way to evaluate how you are managing your biases and privilege.

Tips for DEI Committees

Committees & Taskforces that Ebony Freeland Bryant directly supports:
Minorities in the Profession (MIP) |  Geneva Yourse & Erin Locklear
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI) |  Milan Pham
Women in the Profession | Manisha Patel
Taskforce on Integration, Equity, & Equal Justice | Rob Harrington
Contributions Subcommittee | Karlene Turrentine
Next Steps Subcommittee | Ted Edwards
Telling the Story | Russ Sizemore
Diversity Taskforce | Paul Meggett
New Taskforce | LeAnn Neese Brown