Member Focus

Law Student Representative: Kristin Swilley

Kristin Swilley headshotBefore attending law school, Kristin Swilley spent six years as a public high school educator. During that time, she worked to advocate for her students and fellow teachers regarding equitable funding and resources but felt she could make a more considerable impact by attending law school and eventually providing legal support to those in need. Kristin came to Elon focused exclusively on Education Law, but quickly realized she could service her community in numerous ways that would be equally as impactful.

Kristin will serve as a 2024-25 NCBA law student representative at Elon Law. Kristin was drawn to the NCBA because of the organization’s dedication to public service and mentorship.

As students, Pro Bono involvement allows us to connect with our communities and support those in need in real-time, and the NCBA supports events that make this possible. Additionally, the NCBA provides numerous opportunities for students to connect with practicing attorneys and judges to develop relationships in the legal field who help us navigate our education and the eventual transition into legal practice.

Kristin’s advice to 1Ls is to allow others to tell you no. Apply for anything and everything you are interested in, take risks by approaching strangers at legal events to engage in conversation, and find what works best for you regarding your education.

Do not write yourself off for opportunities or be afraid to be told no. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking chances!

Kristin is currently interested in municipal work, public interest work, civil rights and advocacy efforts, juvenile rights, and education law. From the moment a student enters one of North Carolina’s six law schools, the NCBA is there to provide services and experiences that will enhance and enrich the law school experience. Beyond the books and the bar exam, the value of networking is underscored through active membership in the NCBA Law Student Division—and it’s free. Learn more about opportunities available through the Division.