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Membership Applications and Scholarships

Members are the lifeblood of the North Carolina Bar Association — join to take advantage of the many member benefits that impact your practice and profession.

Select your membership type below to open the PDF application that meets your needs. You have the option to mail the completed application to Membership Services, North Carolina Bar Association, 8000 Weston Parkway, Cary, NC 27513, or you may scan the completed application and email it to [email protected].

Alternatively, you may join online by visiting If you have any questions pertaining to the benefits associated with membership in the NCBA, please call 919.677.0561 and ask for Membership Services.

Please note that NCBA dues are non-refundable.

2024-25 Membership Application: For attorneys and judges.

Affiliate Membership Application: A category for participation by non-lawyers in the Association or in any section, division or committee of the Association that permits non-lawyer affiliation. Non-lawyer means any person not licensed to practice law. Any person whose license is inactive for any reason other than disciplinary suspension shall be deemed licensed to practice law and not eligible for affiliate membership.

Criminal Justice Subsidy Application

Law Student & Law Student Affiliate Application:

  • Law Student: Students enrolled and in good standing of an accredited law school or provisionally accredited law school are eligible for membership in the NCBA.
  • Law Student Affiliate: Student enrolled and in good standing in i) any out-of-state law school accredited, provisionally accredited or in the process of preparing for accreditation or ii) any unaccredited N.C law school preparing for accreditation.
  • By applying to join NCBA as a Law Student or Law Student Affiliate, you consent to having your membership automatically renewed annually while you are a student. Law Student and Law Student Affiliate membership end date is based on expected graduation date that student enters when they join.

Military & Veterans Law Section Discount Application: Special membership categories for the Military & Veterans Law (MVL) Section Discount.

Paralegal Membership Application: Two classes of paralegal membership are open to those who perform or are eligible to perform substantive legal work under the direction of an attorney:

  • Paralegal: Paralegals employed by an attorney for at least three consecutive years OR at least one year with completion of one of the following: NCCP status by the N.C. State Bar, certification from the NALA exam, a four-year B.A. or B.S. from an accredited school, a community college paralegal program or an ABA-accredited program for paralegals.
  • Paralegal Provisional: Paralegals who are currently unemployed or have been employed for less than one year.
  • Paralegal Division students must use the Paralegal Student specific application.

Paralegal Student Membership Application

Positional Membership Application: Membership paid for by a government entity, law school or school of government located in N.C. for the benefit of a full-time employee, faculty member or administrator. The membership remains attached to the employer.

Privacy & Data Security Affiliate Application: Application for Privacy and Data Security affiliate membership.

Scholarship Program: A need-based scholarship program that may cover up to 50% of basic membership dues. Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis.

Sections Application: Use this form to join one or more NCBA Sections.

International Membership Application: Attorneys licensed outside the United States receive the same member benefits as an out-of-state member. This application must be completed with the International Lawyers Sponsor form, signed by a Regular member of the NCBA. To receive this sponsor form, call 919.677.0561 or email [email protected].