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Intellectual Property Law

The Intellectual Property Law Section examines copyright, patent and trademark law issues, providing information to its members about a vast array of issues related to international property law.

Membership in the Intellectual Property Law Section provides an opportunity to network with other intellectual property law attorneys and patent agents. The section sponsors CLE programs and services, provides members with a substantive newsletter, and helps mold the NCBA’s legislative agenda for presentation to the General Assembly. The section also provides roundtable discussions, luncheons, legal updates and CLE discounts. Affiliate membership is offered to patent agents.

Benefits of NCBA Section membership:

  • CLE discounts
  • Access to online Community forum
  • Networking socials, panel discussions and Lunch & Learns
  • Section blogs
  • Legislative support
  • Ethics updates
  • Pro bono projects

Useful Links and Resources:


Contact the NCBA Communities team